Doors 7pm for 7.30pm start. £10 each night or £20 advance booking for all three. Following the sell-out three-night performance of The Epic of Gilgamesh here at the shop last summer we're delighted to announce that epic storytelling is back. Taking place over the first three Saturday nights in February, come and join us for BEOWULF. There’s a recipe for renown: ‘Save the day. Beat monsters. Gift your reward to the right receiver.’ And don’t get old. Beowulf is destined for renown: he’s made sure of it. He knows his history, and he knows his enemy. But there are always other enemies, and the ‘truth’ of a history always depends on its tellers … Dive with Minnie Wilkinson and Laura Sampson and sound artist Sam Enthoven into a mere of epic heroes - a time and place where it’s not about living, it’s about living on. To do that, you have to win. To win, you have to fight. To fight, you have to forget you’re afraid to die.