Healthwatch Haringey are working in partnership with local LGBTQI+ organisation – ‘Wise Thoughts’, to carry out a health needs assessment of LGBTQI+ people living in Haringey.

Healthwatch Haringey are looking for people to interview about their health and wellbeing, and their experience of health and social care services, with a view to improving health and care, inclusion, access, and quality of services for local LGBTQI+ people.
We are particularly interested in hearing from gay men, bisexual, and transgender people, as they are currently under-represented in our survey responses.
Participation involves agreeing to a 30-minute interview. Participants will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 shopping voucher which can be used in a wide range of shops, in person or online.
This work is commissioned by Haringey Council.
If you would like to participate please contact Maryam. We look forward to hearing from you.